Monroe County OHGenWeb
History & Genealogy

Newspaper Tidbits from Ozark

Monroe Gazette, October 22, 1891


George Arnold was at home over Sunday.

Mary Kearney is at Somerton.

Lura Taylor visited at Bellaire last week.

Lizzie Pugh has returned home from Braddock, Pa.

Mary Arnold recently spent several days in Wheeling.

Mrs. John Slack, of Bernan, Kan., is visiting old friends here.

Mr. and Drs. W. J. Adair visited friends near Beallsville last Friday

Our schools opened last week with E. J. Graham and Kate Arnold as teachers.

The many friends of George Morris are glad to hear that he is improving and all hope for his final recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Blackledge of Jerusalem visited at T. J. Nelson's last week.

A number of persons from here attended Quarterly meeting at Malaga Sunday.

E. S. Taylor and wife spent several days last week with their parents at this place.

[rest of article cut off]

Monroe Gazette, December 3, 1891


Lucy Griffith is home from Pennsylvania.

We have a new blacksmith shop in town.

G. P. Wilcox and wife attended conference at Barnesville last week.

Hugh Kerney is at Summerfield at work in a cigar factory.

Lewis Kirkbride and family left for Kansas the first of the week.

Harrison Driggs, after an extended visit with his parents here, left for his home in Missouri Tuesday.

C. B. Blackledge of Jerusalem was in town Monday calling on friends before leaving for the west. Our best wishes go with them to their new home.

Henry Sivard, of whose illness we have before made mention, died Monday forenoon.

Anna Brown of Loydsville, who has been spending several weeks with friends here and at Somerton, has returned home.

Lee Ault looks almost a foot taller than usual; just because they have a new girl at their house.
